Game Development Log 9

This time a lot got changed and added as well as a lot of bug fixes. Also one major thing got changed. The game now runs a lot smoother. Some who collected a lot of tf forms and optional skills will certainly notice the difference.

Version 0.5 will now also become public as of version 0.8 release. It contains all the stuff up to dev log 6.

===TF Progress===

The two tf got added in together with their areas and story. Also a third tf also got added in. It was planned for a long time but I never found time or a good place to implement it. Now it finally found a place. It also features a story and a new area but it's a lot shorter.


I came around to rework one weapon class. The Traveler class who the player starts with now uses Twin Blades. Since Short Blades were already pretty similar to the Daggers and normal Sword I decided to rework this class. All short blades got reworked into twin blades. The twin blade weapons also all have the trait that normal attacks hit one extra time.

The Hard difficulty got slightly adjusted by giving the main character +75 Max HP at the start of the game when choosing Hard.

The material requirements for one of the new side quest from the last version got heavily nerfed.

The form that can be gotten in the winter forest has gotten one new ability upgrade to buy in the dojo once enough progress is made. It is very expensive but makes finding some secrets more easy.

===Area Progress===

The Abandoned Mine and the Active Volcano got both finished and implemented. With that all big areas besides the final dungeon are accessible now.

There will be a few more smaller areas in the future but all big ones are done for now.

New caves got added that make use of one of the new field abilities. Currently there are only a handful but more will be added later.

Another thing is that thanks to Kevin's help, the player portrait changes now depending on in which form the player is. These are just visual changes and does not affect gameplay but I think it's still a nice feature nonetheless.

And a lot of small bugs got fixed were found by Seris. Thanks a lot for all the reports!

===Side Quest===

The card collection quest was already in the game but was impossible to complete because there weren't enough cards, it also was bugged and not showed up in the quest log. All has been fixed and it also can be completed now.

One new party member. This is planned to be the last one until 1.0 at least.

The mystery keys now also have a purpose.

===What is next?===

Now I will start to work on the final dungeon as well as implementing the last extra tf that won the vote.

===Community Changes and Improvements===

Some suggestions and feedback from the community that I also changed/included to make the game better.

  • Rebalanced Hard Difficulty slightly in the players favor at the start.
  • Made some skill adjustments for dog form
  • Removed the fourth inherted skill in the dojo for every form for balancing reasons.
  • Fixed and adjusted some of Melia's Skills
  • Added on missing book in the library.
  • The text in the forest ruins got edited and now has less grammar mistakes and sounds better.
  • The party member Rabbit got newly drawn art.
  • Some extra dialogue when not havinging met the requirements to use the garden for planting seeds.
  • Various miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
  • A few hints got fixed that had missing text and one hint was completely missing.
  • One new boss was missing their unique skills.
  • A small bug in some of the new caves got fixed.
  • A small oversight in the hint shop got fixed.
  • A certain field ability got disabled for now because of a potential softlock

For all the other changes go check out the previous logs.

Get Adventure of Changes


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Question eer a few questions actually 1. Is there a bad ending for the sheep tf ( if so where?) (Also where's the alt ending) 2. Where's the bad ending and alt ending for the salamander tf and 3. Where's the alt ending for the cat tf so far I've found some of the bad endings I'm just having some trouble with these

(1 edit)

Salamander and sheep both have no bad ending but there exist a bad ending on the farm if you cleared the guild quest about finding the missing eggs. I think that ending is already in 0.5 if i remember correctly.

All alternative endings are found in the same quest, which is in the forest of beginnings where Nana starts as a fox. The monument there can be repaired and used to travel back home resulting in various alterantive endinds, dependin on in which form you travel back.


ah ok thx


Just had a thought idk why but it might be something for people that don't have access to a computer do you have any plans to make a mobile version?

The engine has the option to port the game into mobile and linux format. I myself can't test these version so I don't know if it will work without problems, so at least before version 1.0 I don't plan on releasing other versions


understandable well I've been having fun so keep up the great work and remember to take a break here and there you're health is more important 

Thanks, will do^^

(2 edits) (+1)

Imma give a bit of feedback furan as I got curious and decided to test it out but I'd like to confirm that it is possible to play your game on mobile it just requires the application joiplay and it works very well just thought I'd give you a heads up so if anyone else asks you will have info on the subject that can be of use also keep up the good work and remember to take time for yourself

Thanks that is good to know! I do play on the idea of releasing a Mobile and maybe Linux version once  the game reaches version 1.0. But I can't test them myself so I will not be able to guarantee if they work 100% accurately so your feedback is appreciated.

And thanks^^