Game Development Log 7

===New Version News===

As of the patreon release of version 0.6, Version 0.3 will become publicly here.

===TF Progress===

Two new snow themed transformation with their stories and areas got added.


Not many major changes to balancing this time. But one improvement got made that I will list here as well.

Thanks to EbonCat a lot of the text for the Mouse and Rabbit stories got overhauled. Fixing a lot of spelling issues and improved the flow of the text.

And lastly a bigger change that already was included in version 0.5.1. It only affects Hard and Lunatic difficulties. All normal enemies now have their resistance to elements increases that they are normally unaffected by.

For example:
A fire type enemy has neither a resistance nor weakness to Earth. But on Hard it would now have a 20% boost to their Earth Resistance. And 50% boost on Lunatic. This does not increases difficulty per se but encourages a more strategic play. Feedback on this new balance change is welcome!

Thanks to Kevin's effort, there is now a visible Cold & Hot Resistance in the actors Menu, allowing you to see which clothes increase or lower your resistance.

===Area Progress===

Most of the missing areas of the frozen tundra got added. Only major thing missing there is the final world fragment dungeon.

Also three more World Fragment Shards got hidden across the continent. Some of them are pretty hard to find.

And lastly a lot of the older areas got revisited to include new places to use the new field abilities of the new two tf forms.

New music tracks got added and some missing music for some places like the frozen tundra got added.

===Side Quest===

This time three new sidequest got added, all connected to the frozen tundra area

 Two new usuable items got added to the store in town.

First one being the Varia Field. Using it in a cold or hot area temporarely reduced the dmg recieved by 100 points. This item can be upgraded to increase its dmg reduction.

And the secound one is the Monster Flute A pricey item that has a 40% chance to trigger a rare encounter when used.

===What is next?===

Version 0.7.0 will focus on the last world fragment dungeon. It will also introduce one new story character. As well as the next extra transformation that will win the current vote.

I also will try to add the questline that will make it able for each form to get their secound unlockable passive trait.

If time allows I also plan to add the last weapon class, Gauntlets. As well as improving existing areas.

===Community Changes and Improvements===

Some suggestions and feedback from the community that I also changed/included to make the game better.

  • The items Short Stone Formation and Long Stone Formation got renamed to Stalactite and Broken Stalactite.
  • Adjusted newer Demon Encounter to be more tailored around the required tf form.
  • A lot more clothes now affect cold and heat resistances
  • Small dmg adjustments to some skills
  • More developer notes added in ng+
  • Added enemy flavor text for all enemies in the Monster App
  • New dojo skills/upgrades for three tf forms
  • The players fortunte now affects even more things.
  • One change to the item that lets you walk and run faster. The Movement Booster upgrade in the shop got it's price increased to 300.000 Gori. It now also is a reward for one of the new quest, so buying it is optional now.
  • One missing field ability got added for a optional tf.

For all the other changes go check out the previous logs.

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